Author Background - Marquette Food Co-op

In addition to profiling Front Range food innovators and starting thought provoking discussions about the future of our food system, it is my aim for this blog to also serve as a repository for my personal thoughts and reflections RE: food systems and related topics.  To that end, I will begin by filling in some of my personal background and food journey.

After graduating from the University of Michigan, spending some time in Ecuador, and working in my home town for the County Conservation District, I took an entry level job at the Marquette Food Co-op, not far from the shining shore of Lake Superior.  I really enjoyed my time in Marquette, and through my work with the Co-op, my affinity for local food and true community grew tremendously.

I began work at the Co-op's new prepared foods service counter where I was able to interact with locals and tourists alike as they came in to grab a bite to eat. I moved on to specializing at the MFC's vaunted cheese counter, and eventually was promoted to service supervisor.  Then, a position opened up in the Co-op's outreach department, and I made a move to the office basement. Although my job title was Publicity Coordinator, anyone who has worked in the non-profit sector knows most employees wear many hats. In addition to more workaday responsibilities, I had the opportunity to sit in on local food policy and wellness councils, help design marketing and outreach plans and materials, teach cooking classes, and even write a monthly column for the local periodical.

The things I enjoyed most working at MFC were (in no particular order): the break room full of free, slightly misshapen or bruised produce, the amazing feeling of being an owner of my workplace, the ability to know exactly where my food was coming from, all of the wonderful friends/coworkers I was able to interact with on a daily basis.  It would be easy to feel some nostalgia or even longing for my home back in the UP, if I weren't so busy with my new life here in Boulder. I will definitely be back to visit the Queen City by the Lake soon, hopefully bringing with me some new and exciting ideas about food systems and food innovation.


-Sam Henke