Writing Samples

Among the various functions I hoped this website would fulfill, using it as a central location for a collection of writing samples was important. As my career as a writer and creator expands, it makes sense to put lots of types of writing in one place so folks can get a sense of what I am able to produce.

The More Writing section of this website is designated for this purpose. The section includes several types of writing, including a monthly column I wrote while working for the Marquette Food Co-op, and a few academic papers on things like corporate sustainability, lab grown meat, and animal ethics. Finally, I have included a section for poetry and a letter to the editor which have been published online.

If you’re curious about my writing background, I encourage you to check them all out! Also, if you have further questions about these or other things I’ve written I would love to hear from you. You can message me on my LinkedIn Page or email me here.